The IV AMMCS International Conference

Waterloo, Ontario, Canada | August 20-25, 2017

Minisymposium (ID: SS-ARRMMC)

Applications Related to Recreational Math, Math Contests, and Challenges in STEM Disciplines

Thomas Wolf (Brock University)

With annually about 500 mathematics contests and challenges worldwide there 
are mathematical problems resulting from creating and running such contests. 
This session invites talks by researchers, contest creators, students and 
contest participants about mathematical problems that resulted from or that 
are linked to recreational mathematics, mathematics contests or mathematics 
examinations, and similar problems in all STEM disciplines.
Examples include, but are not limited to:

  • Mathematical research arising from open end contest challenges
  • Statistical models detecting unfair contest participation
  • Mathematical algorithms or techniques that create math puzzles by computer
  • New combinatorial games suitable for recreational math and interesting for research
  • Mathematical models for problems’ complexity

Please note the ID code assigned to your presentation (identical to the ID code of your accepted abstract). It is required for submitting your paper for the AMMCS-2017 Proceedings. Submission is not mandatory. All submitted papers will be refereed and only accepted papers will be published in the AMMCS-2017 Proceedings.

If you intend to submit your paper, please go to the AMMCS-2017 Proceedings Page. Follow exactly the Author Instructions accessible from that page.